


Hi guys! I feel like I owe you all an apology for being a pretty bad friend the last two weeks. I know I’ve been a tad absent, and for good reason. Life has been a bit nuts for my family, as we’ve been navigating an unplanned and somewhat difficult health matter for one of my parents. I’ve been struggling to find a way to balance being honest and forthright about what’s happening in my life- you all know how much I believe in making this space a place where we can all be open about embracing all of life’s ups and downs- being respectful of my family’s privacy, and being kind to myself about not feeling up to hashing out every detail on the internet. In truth, it’s been a lot.

Here is what I will say. Though we have a bit of a road ahead, we are trending in a good direction with pretty much the best damn support system that ever was.

So! In keeping with the current season, the last weeks have afforded me the opportunity to reflect a bit on what I need to be giving more of. And that’s giving thanks. Being grateful.

Let’s face it. It’s incredibly easy to be grateful when the sun is shining, and you’re killing it at work, and you’re in a good place with your husband/boyfriend/partner, and your hair looks good, and you’re about to go on an awesome vacation, and the person in front of you at the Starbucks drive-thru bought your coffee.  But I want to talk about giving thanks and forcing yourself to be grateful when everything has turned sideways and things are just kind of sucky. And that’s when I reach for a gratitude journal- i.e. one hell of a perspective giver.

Not familiar? A gratitude journal is the place you document 3-5 things at the end of every day that you are truly grateful for. In Ariana Huffington’s book Thrive she shares, “According to a study by researchers from the University of Minnesota and the University of Florida, having participants write down a list of positive events at the close of a day — and why the events made them happy — lowered their self-reported stress levels and gave them a greater sense of calm at night.” (You can read more about this idea on the Huffington Post here.)

I first started doing this when I was a teenager (in truth, because my mother forced me to), but it’s become an important and meaningful practice for me. I don’t keep up with it steadily, but like an old friend, I somehow find my way back to it when the going gets tough. There are days my 3-5 things flow out of me like water, and there are days where the best I can come up with is “My coffee this morning tasted good.” But I do it. I find something, anything, to put down on the page. Not only does it help me keep things in perspective, but it keeps me grounded and encourages me to savor the good stuff; big and small.

What’s going in my journal today? That magical feeling of the first snow of the season (thanks Chicago!), Season 2 of Stranger Things (if you’re not watching, we seriously need to talk), my family, and you guys. Thank you all for sticking with me on this journey to wear we are, now.

How are you manifesting your gratitude this season?


Be thankful.







  1. Ashley B

    Thinking of you and your family right now! I try to think of 3 things I’m grateful for on days that I’m down, but now I want to start writing it down.

    Sending lots of prayers/Vibes/Whatever you need your way. Happy to read that thing are going better!

    10 . 11 . 2017
    • Natalie

      Thank you Ashley! It means more than you know! xx

      10 . 11 . 2017
  2. Brittany

    Hugs to you and the family, my sweet friend! It sure is hard to be thankful through the storms, but it really does change your life. This was a good reminder for me to get back into the actual act of writing it down. It somehow sticks more when you put it on paper, right?

    17 . 11 . 2017
    • Natalie

      Thank you Brit! I don’t know what it is about writing things down, but it just resonates so much more. I knew you’d be a kindred spirit on that! Hope all is well with you and yours. xoxo

      17 . 11 . 2017

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