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Six Feet in Heels


The holidays are an incredibly special time for a multitude of reasons; one of which is serving as a catalyst for self-reflection. Chalk it up to family togetherness, the spirit of giving, or even Christmas magic; but something about this season makes you stop and think.For me, Thanksgiving and Christmas go hand-in-hand with nights spent curled up in my childhood bedroom, surrounded by my most special treasures from my youth. And naturally, that leads me to think quite a lot about where I started vs. the woman I’ve become today.I can openly admit that…

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Did you know the month of March is earmarked as Women’s History Month? A whole month dedicated to women is obviously a giant “Heck, yes!” for me. Now, I realize that at this point there’s a national day or month for pretty much everything (not joking- National Grilled Cheese Day was a few weeks ago. How is that even a thing?!), but this is one national “something or other” I was not going to let pass by. So, in keeping with the spirit of all things Wear You Are Now #ladytribe, I organized a group shoot with some…