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Urban Outfitters


It finally happened. I gave this whole “clothing rental” thing a try. Other than a one-item/one-time foray into Rent-the-Runway, this was my first real go at it. I know, I know- I might be the last one to arrive at this party. In my defense, renting your clothes has always felt like an odd concept to me. As a fan of the “shop your closet” concept (which I talk about HERE), remixing my current wardrobe is the way I prefer to go. And if I am going to spend, I’d rather focus on building…

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If you follow me on Instagram, than I’d like to apologize for becoming one of those really annoying people that can’t stop taking pictures of every single blooming tree, flower bed, and plant I pass by. Call me #BASIC, but Boston is one hell of a good looking city, especially in the Springtime, especially when this winter kicked my ass the way it did, and especially when I spent the last two weeks in bed with a sinus infection. At this point, I pretty much just want to call a timeout on life and roll around on the…